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Program Development
and Training

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now."

- Alan Lakein

Compliance Policies and Procedures: Create a comprehensive set of compliance policies.


Training and Education: Provide training programs to educate employees on compliance requirements and the importance of reporting violations.


Reporting Mechanisms: Establish clear reporting channels for employees and clients to report compliance concerns.


Document Management: Implement a system for documenting and tracking investigations, and outcomes.


Risk Assessment: Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential compliance risks and develop mitigation strategies.


Internal Controls: Implement internal controls and monitoring processes to prevent and detect compliance violations.


Compliance Committee: Form a compliance committee responsible for overseeing the program, reviewing investigations, and making recommendations for improvement.


Legal Counsel Management: Establish relationships with legal experts who can provide guidance on complex compliance issues.


Ethical Culture Promotion: Foster an ethical culture within your consulting business and among your clients, emphasizing the importance of compliance and ethical behavior.

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